Religion offers individuals a framework to help people make moral choices.
I agree with the statement and feel that religion is a way of life the builds someones personality and helps them make their own moral choices. Religions like Buddhism or Hinduism have different rules and beliefs that help mold there own unique lifestyle. Based on there religions beliefs they are able to make good or maybe bad decisions. Buddhists believe that treating others with kindess and care is a important trait seen in life, based on this one may change their choices to benefit another. The framework that is built up through religion takes hold on ones body mentally and somewhat physically. Being a loyal Christian ones framework revolves around the beliefs and rules christianity. Using your religion you can think of a solution or a decision in a situation that would best reflect your religion. If someone was injured and you were the only person around you may follow the religion you are faithful to and have your actions carry out what you believe. Most religions have rules that generally benefit the well fare and care of others so depending on what you believe you would either help the person or perhaps leave them. Religions form the choices of an individual.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
This I believe
- the name of the essay
- the belief being discussed
- a summary of the essay
- why did it appeal to you?
Recently I have been viewing some this I believe speeches. I was scanning through the section on friendship and brotherhood when I found a very interesting essay called
Recently I have been viewing some this I believe speeches. I was scanning through the section on friendship and brotherhood when I found a very interesting essay called All men are my brothers. the belief being discussed in this essay revolves around connections between people which can be stated as brotherhood and friendship. Summarizing the essay the author has used personal experiences as evidence to support the belief he is writing about. The author says that all men are his brothers because of all the similar traits seen in men and the bond everyone has with each other. This essay appealed to me because of the great and amazing experiences the author has had with men very unlike him. I found all of his experiences very interesting because most of the time he could not communicate with anyone but he was able to relate and even laugh with them. The essay is also very well structured following a basic criteria except he substitutes evidence and examples with his life. I enjoyed this essay very much and will make mine about brotherhood and friendship.
- the name of the essay
- the belief being discussed
- a summary of the essay
- why did it appeal to you?
Recently I have been viewing some this I believe speeches. I was scanning through the section on friendship and brotherhood when I found a very interesting essay called All men are my brothers. the belief being discussed in this essay revolves around connections between people which can be stated as brotherhood and friendship. Summarizing the essay the author has used personal experiences as evidence to support the belief he is writing about. The author says that all men are his brothers because of all the similar traits seen in men and the bond everyone has with each other. This essay appealed to me because of the great and amazing experiences the author has had with men very unlike him. I found all of his experiences very interesting because most of the time he could not communicate with anyone but he was able to relate and even laugh with them. The essay is also very well structured following a basic criteria except he substitutes evidence and examples with his life. I enjoyed this essay very much and will make mine about brotherhood and friendship.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Global Issues, Universal education
I think that Universal education still stands at the top of the MDG's. I think it's necessary to educate every child from 1st grade to 12th grade because of the important things you learn from being a toddler to a teenager. It's essential for kids to get a bit of an education but the longer the better. Knowledge can lead to great things since it educates people on the problems faced by our community. An educated child can contribute to help achieve the other MDG's, from school, partnerships can rise and from then charitable funding organizations can rise and answer to poverty, child health and the rest of the MDG's. An education is the key to a better life, not only for you but for others if your willing to make that change.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Perseus in 50 words
Danae is locked up and gives birth. when the king finds out Danae was cast into the sea in a coffin with Perseus. They float ashore and live in Seriphos. The king there sends Perseus to kill Medusa. He does, and returning kills a serpent and saves Danae from the king.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Ten things I remember
I remember when I lived in Sri Lanka in a huge house when my dad went outside with an axe to cut a snake in half and it's body stayed there for weeks.
I remember when I first went swimming, I jumped and did doggy paddle around the perimeter of the pool.
I remember when I was 3 and lost my favorite teddy bear, I went to sleep with it and in the morning it was gone. I was so sad.
I remember when I ate sushi for the first time and gagged because it was raw eel!
I remember when I went for an Easter egg hunt in the jungle and found the most eggs.
I remember when I fell of my mums lap when I was in and airplane and rolled down the Aisle.
I remember when I got stung by a centipede when I was having a sleep over with my best friend. The pain was excruciating.
I remember moving to my new house in Kuala Lumpur, I had to do so much work at home involving moving in that I preferred to be at school.
I remember driving a quad bike around the fields of England a couple months ago when my cousin almost made me fall of.
I remember when I got wacked in the hand with a cricket bat and almost broke it.
I remember when I first went swimming, I jumped and did doggy paddle around the perimeter of the pool.
I remember when I was 3 and lost my favorite teddy bear, I went to sleep with it and in the morning it was gone. I was so sad.
I remember when I ate sushi for the first time and gagged because it was raw eel!
I remember when I went for an Easter egg hunt in the jungle and found the most eggs.
I remember when I fell of my mums lap when I was in and airplane and rolled down the Aisle.
I remember when I got stung by a centipede when I was having a sleep over with my best friend. The pain was excruciating.
I remember moving to my new house in Kuala Lumpur, I had to do so much work at home involving moving in that I preferred to be at school.
I remember driving a quad bike around the fields of England a couple months ago when my cousin almost made me fall of.
I remember when I got wacked in the hand with a cricket bat and almost broke it.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Greek Myths
On your blog, reflect on the Greek myths seen today in class. Which story did you enjoy the most? Why? Was it the characters or the story that you enjoyed? In thinking of the themes in these stories, what do they have in common?
Personally I enjoyed the second story because of the suspense leading up to the moment when Theseus came face to face with the Minotaur. The characteristics were very effective, portraying many hidden thoughts and emotions. For example when Theseus came to Athens, the king's "evil" wife felt spite, doubt and other dreadful emotions and thoughts towards Perseus because she knew who he was and why he was there. What I'm trying to say is that her, having evil characteristics gave her evil, thoughts, emotions etc.... I also quite liked the characters in the story, especially the Minotaur. It was a monstrosity having the head of a bull and body of a man, I personally took pleasure from it's form and it's story. The other story was also very interesting but not as intense. A lot of mournful events took place in the story causing Daedalus to make the choices and do things that he wouldn't necessarily do, such as make figurines of a flying boy. In my opinion he felt so much guilt and remorse for the death of his son that he built sculptures to try and sooth his pain.
The similarities that myth's share are suspense, emotion, heroes, journeys, pain (emotional or physical), a plot, conflict and resolution.
Personally I enjoyed the second story because of the suspense leading up to the moment when Theseus came face to face with the Minotaur. The characteristics were very effective, portraying many hidden thoughts and emotions. For example when Theseus came to Athens, the king's "evil" wife felt spite, doubt and other dreadful emotions and thoughts towards Perseus because she knew who he was and why he was there. What I'm trying to say is that her, having evil characteristics gave her evil, thoughts, emotions etc.... I also quite liked the characters in the story, especially the Minotaur. It was a monstrosity having the head of a bull and body of a man, I personally took pleasure from it's form and it's story. The other story was also very interesting but not as intense. A lot of mournful events took place in the story causing Daedalus to make the choices and do things that he wouldn't necessarily do, such as make figurines of a flying boy. In my opinion he felt so much guilt and remorse for the death of his son that he built sculptures to try and sooth his pain.
The similarities that myth's share are suspense, emotion, heroes, journeys, pain (emotional or physical), a plot, conflict and resolution.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Bio poem
My name is Jake and I am no fake
I am cheerful, responsible, optimistic, emotional, respectful and artistic
My sister is Jessie, whose in 12th grade, I feel she needs a tutor or some real serious aid
I love food, friends and money and things that are funny
I feel that the economy is failing, and there is to little jailing for some of the crimes being committed these days and I also feel like most of the people around the world should be getting a pay raise (this is one of the many reasons the riots started in England.)
I fear bugs, monkeys and forgetting home work
I would like to see a blue whale, the experience would make me pale
I share my thoughts on anything and sometimes I share secrets with regret
I am 12 years old and am always embarrassed of past situations
I am a resident of Punchak Ukay in Ukay heights, I live in an apartment that views the city and compared to it I am extremely bitty
One last thing before the end my last name is Fuller and I have no fashion trend
I am cheerful, responsible, optimistic, emotional, respectful and artistic
My sister is Jessie, whose in 12th grade, I feel she needs a tutor or some real serious aid
I love food, friends and money and things that are funny
I feel that the economy is failing, and there is to little jailing for some of the crimes being committed these days and I also feel like most of the people around the world should be getting a pay raise (this is one of the many reasons the riots started in England.)
I fear bugs, monkeys and forgetting home work
I would like to see a blue whale, the experience would make me pale
I share my thoughts on anything and sometimes I share secrets with regret
I am 12 years old and am always embarrassed of past situations
I am a resident of Punchak Ukay in Ukay heights, I live in an apartment that views the city and compared to it I am extremely bitty
One last thing before the end my last name is Fuller and I have no fashion trend
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The End is Near!
1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.
During 6th grade I have done many pieces of work that i'm proud of as well as received lots of knowledge through my learning experience in 6th grade. The following paragraph will cover both the piece of work I am proudest of and the learning I'm most proud of. To start of I need to state that I have many examples of work that I'm proud of for different reasons, not only because I got a good grade for a few pieces of work I'm proud of but because personally I enjoy reading some of my work, it makes me very proud sometimes to imagine that I was able to construct such work. The work I'm most proud of in 6th grade is as a big topic my blog posts. I say this because through the year on each of my blog posts I have seen growth in my work and through growth I have seen improvement. It's pretty much like looking through someones work from the start of the year to the end. I'm most proud of some of my latest blog posts. They include "Jonese's letter" and a few of my literature circle blog posts. Over most of the other work I do blog posts are some of my favorites. I enjoy them so much because when doing blog posts you are basically allowed to free write. The process of a blog post is get a subject, topic or question then write everything you want about it. It's very straight forward and to a degree fun writing. Moving on the learning I'm most proud of is definitely when our class was focusing on Ancient Egypt. Firstly I find the Ancient Egyptians fascinating and very fun to learn about and secondly all the sources I learnt from were all very appealing to me. I was able to put my knowledge on Ancient Egypt to some good use because about midway through the unit we had to do a big assignment on Ancient Egypt. To be specific we had to make a diary from the point of view of an Egyptian. Because of all the learning I had gone through I was well prepared and the end result reflected on my the effort I put into it.
2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.
During 6th grade I have had many challenges. They all came in different forms but in the end they were faults in the road. To start it off I thought one of my greatest challenges was working collaboratively. I say this because the majority of the time my partner or group members were not people that I could rely on. But Sometimes the case was that I couldn't be relied on. Although I enjoy collaborative group work it never ends out very well from this. When I am in a good group with good hard workers I try my best to contribute just as much as everyone else but when I am working with a bad partner or group I feel lots of the work is piled onto me, from this I have learned to always work with a good group you can depend on and work with. Another challenge I found during my year in 6th grade has been Lit circles. Lit circles to me were just very time consuming and irritating assignments. No matter how hard I tried I was never able to get full marks on 1, and for some reason I could never think of a really good question. Lit circles were probably my biggest challenges in the year but they are now over. One of the social challenges I had in 6th grade was trying to make friends. Although I already had several awesome friends from my former year at ISKL in grade 5 finding friends in 6th grade was a whole other story. People in 6th grade were a lot more aggressive therefore harder to make friends with. After a while I was able to fit in and make a lot of new friends. Especially in my new class (6a). I am very happy to now have expanded my number of friends and my friendships.
3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
Reflecting on my growth this year I have learned a lot about my self as a learner. One of the things I have done at school that told me the most about myself was the learning profile test we took, for information on it check out my site, It's viral. Through learning profiles I was able to learn what styles of learning suited me and a few of the things that suited my learning. It also told me whether I was gestalt or logic. Although my Learning profile told me a bit about myself my my growth during through the year told me what I needed to know. I work well collaboratively if I'm with a good group, I have a short attention span, I'm very efficient when I am putting effort into my work, I get distracted easily, I'm very social, I cannot work if there is anything else going on around me and I am very good when it comes to creative and opinionative writing.
a) Behavior
Could be improved
Perfect - the model student
Explanation: In class when I have no friends around me I am on task and don't have bad behavior. Also whenever the teacher is closely monitoring my actions I'm on task and don't cause any trouble. When I am with my friends I can rarely stay on task. My behavior gets bad and I act unnecessarily. Like I said I'm very social therefore I get easily distracted, when I get distracted I cannot focus and zone off and behave unlike a student should.
b) Participation
Actively participate in class
Explanation: I believe that I actively participate in class reason being that the majority of the time I'm focused and on task when group discussions are taking place. I enjoy talking about topics and subjects in class especially when it's on daily events. I feel that I always take part in conversations the class are having and contribute my ideas and thought commonly. I am also always participating in collaborative group work contributing the write amount and sometimes more then required.
c) Organization
Needs serious help
I'm super organized
Explanation: I feel that I am organized to a degree but I could improve. Generally I don't have all the supplies that I need to or have my mail neatly set up but I am organized enough to have not go under a lot of pressure and stress. Basically I am not badly organized but I need to improve.
d) Effort
Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.
Explanation: I feel that when I am focused and on task I put a lot of effort in to my work but sometimes when I am near my friends I don't try as hard as I could, and sometimes after doing a hw for a long period of time I loose focus I don't try as hard as I should.
Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to stay on task more often and not be as social during class. It will benefit me for two reasons, firstly I'll be able to get more done and secondly I'll be able to produce better work.
Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to make better decisions when working collaboratively, working with friends is not what's important, working with someone you work well with and trust to a degree is more important.
6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
I feel that the earlier content of the blog says enough about me.
During 6th grade I have done many pieces of work that i'm proud of as well as received lots of knowledge through my learning experience in 6th grade. The following paragraph will cover both the piece of work I am proudest of and the learning I'm most proud of. To start of I need to state that I have many examples of work that I'm proud of for different reasons, not only because I got a good grade for a few pieces of work I'm proud of but because personally I enjoy reading some of my work, it makes me very proud sometimes to imagine that I was able to construct such work. The work I'm most proud of in 6th grade is as a big topic my blog posts. I say this because through the year on each of my blog posts I have seen growth in my work and through growth I have seen improvement. It's pretty much like looking through someones work from the start of the year to the end. I'm most proud of some of my latest blog posts. They include "Jonese's letter" and a few of my literature circle blog posts. Over most of the other work I do blog posts are some of my favorites. I enjoy them so much because when doing blog posts you are basically allowed to free write. The process of a blog post is get a subject, topic or question then write everything you want about it. It's very straight forward and to a degree fun writing. Moving on the learning I'm most proud of is definitely when our class was focusing on Ancient Egypt. Firstly I find the Ancient Egyptians fascinating and very fun to learn about and secondly all the sources I learnt from were all very appealing to me. I was able to put my knowledge on Ancient Egypt to some good use because about midway through the unit we had to do a big assignment on Ancient Egypt. To be specific we had to make a diary from the point of view of an Egyptian. Because of all the learning I had gone through I was well prepared and the end result reflected on my the effort I put into it.
2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.
During 6th grade I have had many challenges. They all came in different forms but in the end they were faults in the road. To start it off I thought one of my greatest challenges was working collaboratively. I say this because the majority of the time my partner or group members were not people that I could rely on. But Sometimes the case was that I couldn't be relied on. Although I enjoy collaborative group work it never ends out very well from this. When I am in a good group with good hard workers I try my best to contribute just as much as everyone else but when I am working with a bad partner or group I feel lots of the work is piled onto me, from this I have learned to always work with a good group you can depend on and work with. Another challenge I found during my year in 6th grade has been Lit circles. Lit circles to me were just very time consuming and irritating assignments. No matter how hard I tried I was never able to get full marks on 1, and for some reason I could never think of a really good question. Lit circles were probably my biggest challenges in the year but they are now over. One of the social challenges I had in 6th grade was trying to make friends. Although I already had several awesome friends from my former year at ISKL in grade 5 finding friends in 6th grade was a whole other story. People in 6th grade were a lot more aggressive therefore harder to make friends with. After a while I was able to fit in and make a lot of new friends. Especially in my new class (6a). I am very happy to now have expanded my number of friends and my friendships.
3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
Reflecting on my growth this year I have learned a lot about my self as a learner. One of the things I have done at school that told me the most about myself was the learning profile test we took, for information on it check out my site, It's viral. Through learning profiles I was able to learn what styles of learning suited me and a few of the things that suited my learning. It also told me whether I was gestalt or logic. Although my Learning profile told me a bit about myself my my growth during through the year told me what I needed to know. I work well collaboratively if I'm with a good group, I have a short attention span, I'm very efficient when I am putting effort into my work, I get distracted easily, I'm very social, I cannot work if there is anything else going on around me and I am very good when it comes to creative and opinionative writing.
a) Behavior
Could be improved
Perfect - the model student
Explanation: In class when I have no friends around me I am on task and don't have bad behavior. Also whenever the teacher is closely monitoring my actions I'm on task and don't cause any trouble. When I am with my friends I can rarely stay on task. My behavior gets bad and I act unnecessarily. Like I said I'm very social therefore I get easily distracted, when I get distracted I cannot focus and zone off and behave unlike a student should.
b) Participation
Actively participate in class
Explanation: I believe that I actively participate in class reason being that the majority of the time I'm focused and on task when group discussions are taking place. I enjoy talking about topics and subjects in class especially when it's on daily events. I feel that I always take part in conversations the class are having and contribute my ideas and thought commonly. I am also always participating in collaborative group work contributing the write amount and sometimes more then required.
c) Organization
Needs serious help
I'm super organized
Explanation: I feel that I am organized to a degree but I could improve. Generally I don't have all the supplies that I need to or have my mail neatly set up but I am organized enough to have not go under a lot of pressure and stress. Basically I am not badly organized but I need to improve.
d) Effort
Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.
Explanation: I feel that when I am focused and on task I put a lot of effort in to my work but sometimes when I am near my friends I don't try as hard as I could, and sometimes after doing a hw for a long period of time I loose focus I don't try as hard as I should.
Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to stay on task more often and not be as social during class. It will benefit me for two reasons, firstly I'll be able to get more done and secondly I'll be able to produce better work.
Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to make better decisions when working collaboratively, working with friends is not what's important, working with someone you work well with and trust to a degree is more important.
6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
I feel that the earlier content of the blog says enough about me.
7. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?
Where do I start? Well a very academic thing that you should know and take in is that you should also get your work done earlier then later. Take it from me, when you have lots of work to do on a Sunday night you will regret not listening to me. Another very important thing you should know is that working with friends unless you work well together is not the right decision to make, with with someone who you can rely on but make sure you contribute just as much when it comes to collaborative work. Lastly a have some social advice to give to you, never apear aggressive to others because it will not end well and always benice and friendly, you'll get it right back. That's pretty much the important stuff you need to know about 6th grade but always follow instructions, it will get you far young padawans!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Joneses letter
Dear Asher,
You will be very surprised and shocked to receive this letter but you need to understand that everything is fine with me. In the following paragraphs I will explain everything to you about why I left, where I am now and much more about everything that has happened in the last couple of weeks.
To start this letter of I need to explain why I left the community. As receiver of memory I had to go through hundreds of both amazing and horrible experiences. I had to take on a big role in the community and make a variety of sacrifices to achieve my goal of being the receiver of memory. The sacrifices I had to make included receiving memories and following my guidelines that were required for my job. Doing these things ruined the relationships I had with all my friends and family including you. Its very hard to explain the experiences I faced because you would have no idea what I would be talking about. Lets just say that theres more to life then the community. Although you may not think so the community is a place that has ruined proper lifestyles and taken away most of the good aspects in life. I can't say what they are because clearly you would have no clue on what I was talking about. Overall I left the community because all my relationships I had with my friends were ruined and I came to realize that my lifestyle in the community was full of lies. I also left because I could have been living a better life in another place where everything wasn't toggled with. My final reason for leaving the community was Gabriel. This may come as quite a shock but you must promise not to tell anyone the following information. When people are released they are actually being killed. Gabriel was sentenced to be released the morning after I left so I had to make haste and take him with me on my journey. Those are my reasons for leaving.
Right now I am living in a wonderful community where everything is like it was a long time ago. Nothing has been changed like it has in the community although there are a few downsides, there is pain, sorrow and a variety of other bad emotions and feelings. I will explain all about emotion and feeling in the following paragraphs. I have to tell that i'm living a pretty hard life where I am now. I have to work pretty hard in school and at home. Chores are killing me! The place Im living is made up of huge towers and buildings. Residents here call the place New York. I wonder if my old community even has a name. If you find out please tell me.
Now comes the most important part of this letter. What I received and experienced in my training. Once I tell you about it you will have a way better understanding on everything. To start this of i'll explain a few of the most important memories I have received. firstly you need to know that your community once used to be just like the one i'm staying in now but the elders wanted to make sure everything was in order and perfect. They also had a few things they changed for the sake of themselves. I received hundreds of memories in my time as the receiver of memory and they changed me in a tremendous way. Maybe the'll change you as well. You are free to tell whoever you want. If your community changes it changes for the best. It's too much for me to right in this letter so I put a voice recording on the back of this letter. It covers every memory I have ever experienced. Another thing that was very important in my training was color. Is is an amazing thing that everything in world has. The elders took it out of the community maybe because it influenced things that were not seen as good things in the receivers eyes. I don't know how to explain it to you when i'm writing by card but i'll try my best. Firstly the only colours that you can see are grey, white and black. Colours are things everyone and everything around you has. Its just in your community they are only a few colours.
I hope this letter has been clear to you
From Jonas
You will be very surprised and shocked to receive this letter but you need to understand that everything is fine with me. In the following paragraphs I will explain everything to you about why I left, where I am now and much more about everything that has happened in the last couple of weeks.
To start this letter of I need to explain why I left the community. As receiver of memory I had to go through hundreds of both amazing and horrible experiences. I had to take on a big role in the community and make a variety of sacrifices to achieve my goal of being the receiver of memory. The sacrifices I had to make included receiving memories and following my guidelines that were required for my job. Doing these things ruined the relationships I had with all my friends and family including you. Its very hard to explain the experiences I faced because you would have no idea what I would be talking about. Lets just say that theres more to life then the community. Although you may not think so the community is a place that has ruined proper lifestyles and taken away most of the good aspects in life. I can't say what they are because clearly you would have no clue on what I was talking about. Overall I left the community because all my relationships I had with my friends were ruined and I came to realize that my lifestyle in the community was full of lies. I also left because I could have been living a better life in another place where everything wasn't toggled with. My final reason for leaving the community was Gabriel. This may come as quite a shock but you must promise not to tell anyone the following information. When people are released they are actually being killed. Gabriel was sentenced to be released the morning after I left so I had to make haste and take him with me on my journey. Those are my reasons for leaving.
Right now I am living in a wonderful community where everything is like it was a long time ago. Nothing has been changed like it has in the community although there are a few downsides, there is pain, sorrow and a variety of other bad emotions and feelings. I will explain all about emotion and feeling in the following paragraphs. I have to tell that i'm living a pretty hard life where I am now. I have to work pretty hard in school and at home. Chores are killing me! The place Im living is made up of huge towers and buildings. Residents here call the place New York. I wonder if my old community even has a name. If you find out please tell me.
Now comes the most important part of this letter. What I received and experienced in my training. Once I tell you about it you will have a way better understanding on everything. To start this of i'll explain a few of the most important memories I have received. firstly you need to know that your community once used to be just like the one i'm staying in now but the elders wanted to make sure everything was in order and perfect. They also had a few things they changed for the sake of themselves. I received hundreds of memories in my time as the receiver of memory and they changed me in a tremendous way. Maybe the'll change you as well. You are free to tell whoever you want. If your community changes it changes for the best. It's too much for me to right in this letter so I put a voice recording on the back of this letter. It covers every memory I have ever experienced. Another thing that was very important in my training was color. Is is an amazing thing that everything in world has. The elders took it out of the community maybe because it influenced things that were not seen as good things in the receivers eyes. I don't know how to explain it to you when i'm writing by card but i'll try my best. Firstly the only colours that you can see are grey, white and black. Colours are things everyone and everything around you has. Its just in your community they are only a few colours.
I hope this letter has been clear to you
From Jonas
Friday, March 25, 2011
Lit circle blogpost 3#
" Gabriel's breathing was even and deep. Jonas liked having him there, though he felt guilty about the secret. Each night he gave memories to Gabriel: memories of boat rides and picnics in the sun; memories of soft rainfall against windowpanes; memories of dancing bare-footed on a damp lawn.
The new child stirred slightly in his sleep, Jonas looked over at him.
"There could be love" Jonas whispered.
The next morning, for the first time, Jonas did not take his pill. Something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to the pill away"
In two (or more) well structured paragraphs explain how the above quote and the rest how chapters 16 ~ 18 relate to the themes of freedom and choice.
I'll start my blog post of by talking about the quote from the book "the Giver" above. This part of the book was very descriptive and interesting. It made me feel so many emotions that revolved around the word peaceful. It flowed so well with all the thoughts the author was trying to express. I think that this section of the story relates to free rights because Jonas was able to experience things that no one else was. He was able to feel things unknown to anyone else in their community and he had the power to send it through to others. Normally people in Joneses community wouldn't no of such things but if they did it would give them a sense of freedom because it would be something that they would have never felt before. It would be like man on the moon or man flying. A completely new experience that would change life in itself. Overall this passage relates to freedom because Jonas was able to break the laws of the community in any one else's minds by experiencing something unknown to Joneses community. He was also able to transfer this but this wasn't seen so big as freedom apart from the fact that Jonas was once again doing something thought to be impossible by a normal citizen.
Throughout chapter 16, 17 and 18 I have picked up a lot of different things that orbit around the word freedom. In the following paragraph I will talk about, simplify and explain my ideas on how chapters 16,17 and 18 relate to freedom. Throughout these chapters I have noticed once again a variety of memories that Jonas has experienced. Read the paragraph above for a description on how the memories Jonas has received relate to freedom. These chapters also relate to freedom because Jonas was also able to understand things at a high level more then any one else in the community. Examples of this are when Jonas is at the scene of his friends play fighting and when the Giver gives Jonas the memories. When Jonas intruded on the fake war that was taking place he began crying. This was because he understood the true meaning of the game from one of the memories he interpreted. As for the fact that Jonas could clearly understand most of the memories given to him, this related to his understanding of things because he was able to identify things that he had never seen or heard of, like when he was receiving the memory of snow earlier on in the story, he could match up names with things in memory. His understanding of things related to freedom because he was unique. Over others he could do things that were strange. This was a not necessarily a good thing. There were somethings that would have been best not to tell Jonas.
Overall freedom is seen in two ways throughout chapters 16,17 and 18. The first being that Jonas was able to experience things that no one else knew of and he had a good understanding of everything going on. It was as though he had powers. As for the part of the story this related to freedom because Jonas was once again able to experience things that one one else could as well as transfer them to others.
Throughout chapter 16, 17 and 18 I have picked up a lot of different things that orbit around the word freedom. In the following paragraph I will talk about, simplify and explain my ideas on how chapters 16,17 and 18 relate to freedom. Throughout these chapters I have noticed once again a variety of memories that Jonas has experienced. Read the paragraph above for a description on how the memories Jonas has received relate to freedom. These chapters also relate to freedom because Jonas was also able to understand things at a high level more then any one else in the community. Examples of this are when Jonas is at the scene of his friends play fighting and when the Giver gives Jonas the memories. When Jonas intruded on the fake war that was taking place he began crying. This was because he understood the true meaning of the game from one of the memories he interpreted. As for the fact that Jonas could clearly understand most of the memories given to him, this related to his understanding of things because he was able to identify things that he had never seen or heard of, like when he was receiving the memory of snow earlier on in the story, he could match up names with things in memory. His understanding of things related to freedom because he was unique. Over others he could do things that were strange. This was a not necessarily a good thing. There were somethings that would have been best not to tell Jonas.
Overall freedom is seen in two ways throughout chapters 16,17 and 18. The first being that Jonas was able to experience things that no one else knew of and he had a good understanding of everything going on. It was as though he had powers. As for the part of the story this related to freedom because Jonas was once again able to experience things that one one else could as well as transfer them to others.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Anis Diary
“We’re bringing you a special report, Sebastian Rolith the famous archaeologist has just discovered the diary of an ancient Egyptian Citizen. Now we’ll send you to Chad Blunt who is currently interviewing the star of the day Sebastian Rolith!” “ Thank you John, this is Chad blunt reporting from Cairo, Egypt. Now as you have heard Sebastian Rolith has just uncovered a diary of an ancient Egyptian which will benefit us with lots of evidence on ancient Egypt. Now over to the star, Sebastian Rolith! “Hello, Chad Blunt and John Sajith have supplied with all the information you need to know about my discovery so I wont add anything else but I must tell you about the diary. From reading just three entries I have found that the Author of this diary lived in the new kingdom and lived around this area thousands of years ago. He was ruled by a very fair ruler called Meryl-Neith one of the only female Pharaohs ever in Egyptian history. And most important of all he was a jeweler. Now I shall read 3 of the selected entries from this diary that may give you a better understanding on life in Egypt thousands of years ago ,or may leave you confused. This diary will answer and provide questions but as well as that this diary will give us an idea of what Egypt was like 3000 years ago.

1st day of Akhet,
I awake to the sound of praying from a nearby temple and arise from my bed. It is barely dusk but this is when my work shift starts. I walk into my bath room and put some water in a bowl. I dunk my face in to wake myself up. I grab a cloth and wipe my face of. I grab my comb made from the finest wood that I’ve ever seen or touched, I bought it from a merchant who was traveling to Egypt from a far away place known as Africa. I brush back my hair until it is nice and straight then start getting dressed. I begin to slip into my work clothing and prepare for the long day ahead of me. First I put on my cloth shirt given to me by the Pharaoh himself, next I put on my linen shorts and finally I put on my favourite robe that the priests of the temple chose for me. I am one of the lucky few of my kind. By saying this I mean that most Jewelers and artisans alike do not have the same lifestyle as me. I am the Pharaohs appointed jeweler therefore my lifestyle is much easier and happier.
I walk into my dining room and prepare my morning breakfast. I grab some of the fermented wheat that I prepared last night, luckily it has worked very well. Another successful attempt at my morning glass of beer. I put it on my dining table then grab some figs from my fruit basket then walk towards my dining table and place them down, then walk over to a parcel of papyrus paper. I unwrap it to reveal a lovely catfish I bought from my daily fisherman Neshi, He is very reliable and he even delivers his daily catch. I gutted this fish then took out the inner flesh and put it in a bowl. I cook over a warm fire then return to the table and sit down. I swig down my beer in a few gulps then eat some figs, a few minutes later I finished eating and walked over to my fish. It was ready for eating so I sat down again and began eating. Because I worked for the Pharaoh I needed to be well fed. I eat my fish then minutes later I prepare to leave. I put on some of my favorite leather shoes and leave. Just as I am about to leave my home I walk back into the kitchen and grab a few figs for my journey to the Pharaohs palace then leave out the door.
As I left the comfort of my home I thought about the day ahead of me. What would the Pharaoh request this time I thought. Maybe some golden earrings like last time, she’s been requesting a lot of gold recently, lucky for me I am very experienced when it comes to gold. I strolled down the banks of the Nile eating my figs as I walked. The flooding season has begun so this may be the last time I do this in a while. I see fisherman at work very eager to get a big catch. The Nile holds many treasures which benefits me in my job. They are taken out and brought to me from peasants sent by the Pharaoh. On my way to work one day I met one of them that went by the name Nebnefer, he was very kind so I let him keep one of the jewels he had found. I think he intended to keep it anyway. When the floods start the fishermen are out of business for a while. Suddenly a giant catfish gets pulled out of the Nile as just as I walk past. “Lucky guy” I mutter. I continue my journey through the hot, humid plains of Egypt then finally approach the city.
I walk in and everything hits me at once. The smell of rotting fish hits me then an explosion of nose blows into my ears. “Come buy fresh fish!” “The best fruit in all of Egypt!” “Newly made baskets, firm and strong!” Of course I knew that this was lies. The best stuff wasn’t found in the market. The best of the best were always hard to find. I entered the palace doors just as I finished the rest of my figs. A priestess approached and led me into the palace to my work room. Her name was Tia, and I saw her almost everyday. I walked into my work room and gathered my tools and prepared for my orders and requests. My room was very spacious but very full. There were 2 cupboards on the left wall full of my best creations. There was a work desk placed in the middle of the room where I crafted my jewels. Then the rest of the room was occupied with chests, papers, broken crafts and dust. It was the old treasury. Tia walked back in and gave me a small scroll with my orders from the Pharaoh. It read
I awake to the sound of praying from a nearby temple and arise from my bed. It is barely dusk but this is when my work shift starts. I walk into my bath room and put some water in a bowl. I dunk my face in to wake myself up. I grab a cloth and wipe my face of. I grab my comb made from the finest wood that I’ve ever seen or touched, I bought it from a merchant who was traveling to Egypt from a far away place known as Africa. I brush back my hair until it is nice and straight then start getting dressed. I begin to slip into my work clothing and prepare for the long day ahead of me. First I put on my cloth shirt given to me by the Pharaoh himself, next I put on my linen shorts and finally I put on my favourite robe that the priests of the temple chose for me. I am one of the lucky few of my kind. By saying this I mean that most Jewelers and artisans alike do not have the same lifestyle as me. I am the Pharaohs appointed jeweler therefore my lifestyle is much easier and happier.
I walk into my dining room and prepare my morning breakfast. I grab some of the fermented wheat that I prepared last night, luckily it has worked very well. Another successful attempt at my morning glass of beer. I put it on my dining table then grab some figs from my fruit basket then walk towards my dining table and place them down, then walk over to a parcel of papyrus paper. I unwrap it to reveal a lovely catfish I bought from my daily fisherman Neshi, He is very reliable and he even delivers his daily catch. I gutted this fish then took out the inner flesh and put it in a bowl. I cook over a warm fire then return to the table and sit down. I swig down my beer in a few gulps then eat some figs, a few minutes later I finished eating and walked over to my fish. It was ready for eating so I sat down again and began eating. Because I worked for the Pharaoh I needed to be well fed. I eat my fish then minutes later I prepare to leave. I put on some of my favorite leather shoes and leave. Just as I am about to leave my home I walk back into the kitchen and grab a few figs for my journey to the Pharaohs palace then leave out the door.
As I left the comfort of my home I thought about the day ahead of me. What would the Pharaoh request this time I thought. Maybe some golden earrings like last time, she’s been requesting a lot of gold recently, lucky for me I am very experienced when it comes to gold. I strolled down the banks of the Nile eating my figs as I walked. The flooding season has begun so this may be the last time I do this in a while. I see fisherman at work very eager to get a big catch. The Nile holds many treasures which benefits me in my job. They are taken out and brought to me from peasants sent by the Pharaoh. On my way to work one day I met one of them that went by the name Nebnefer, he was very kind so I let him keep one of the jewels he had found. I think he intended to keep it anyway. When the floods start the fishermen are out of business for a while. Suddenly a giant catfish gets pulled out of the Nile as just as I walk past. “Lucky guy” I mutter. I continue my journey through the hot, humid plains of Egypt then finally approach the city.
I walk in and everything hits me at once. The smell of rotting fish hits me then an explosion of nose blows into my ears. “Come buy fresh fish!” “The best fruit in all of Egypt!” “Newly made baskets, firm and strong!” Of course I knew that this was lies. The best stuff wasn’t found in the market. The best of the best were always hard to find. I entered the palace doors just as I finished the rest of my figs. A priestess approached and led me into the palace to my work room. Her name was Tia, and I saw her almost everyday. I walked into my work room and gathered my tools and prepared for my orders and requests. My room was very spacious but very full. There were 2 cupboards on the left wall full of my best creations. There was a work desk placed in the middle of the room where I crafted my jewels. Then the rest of the room was occupied with chests, papers, broken crafts and dust. It was the old treasury. Tia walked back in and gave me a small scroll with my orders from the Pharaoh. It read
1.A pair of gold earrings, round and thin
2. A golden Amulet decorated with emeralds
3. A silver thread necklace with a diamond hanging off
Gold earrings, just as I suspected. These were very simple pieces of jewelery. Most other days I would be making crested crowns decorated with all the stones of Egypt. I began work just as the sun rose. Then worked till sun down. I had completed all the requests. I picked them up and walked outside. The palace was made in a very advanced way. The Architect had a wild mind. There were hallways in all directions and a variety of stairways leading up and down. I got very use to all of this a few weeks after I started work so I knew my way around. I followed one of the hallways then turned left and walked into a room. I placed my work on a table then exited. I turned my head to see Tia. She nodded and I left. I returned home and got back at about midnight. I got changed into my sleep ware then lay down in bed. Just thinking about the following day made me tired. A few minutes later I dozed of into deep sleep. My day was over.
2. A golden Amulet decorated with emeralds
3. A silver thread necklace with a diamond hanging off
Gold earrings, just as I suspected. These were very simple pieces of jewelery. Most other days I would be making crested crowns decorated with all the stones of Egypt. I began work just as the sun rose. Then worked till sun down. I had completed all the requests. I picked them up and walked outside. The palace was made in a very advanced way. The Architect had a wild mind. There were hallways in all directions and a variety of stairways leading up and down. I got very use to all of this a few weeks after I started work so I knew my way around. I followed one of the hallways then turned left and walked into a room. I placed my work on a table then exited. I turned my head to see Tia. She nodded and I left. I returned home and got back at about midnight. I got changed into my sleep ware then lay down in bed. Just thinking about the following day made me tired. A few minutes later I dozed of into deep sleep. My day was over.
2nd day of Akhet,
I wake up like I would any other day but today is special. Today is my prayer day. I get up and put on some nice soft silk pants, a light leather shirt and finally a big robe. It has patterns of gods on it including my very own artisan god Ptah I walk outside of my dry, breezy bedroom into my dining room. I take a selection of fruits including my favorite of all Sycamore figs. They are seasonal fruits that grow almost throughout the year. I ate them with pleasure then moved on to the rest of my meal. Nice juicy fruits lie on the table in front of me. I bit into them with ease tasting the delicious flavours within them. A few minutes later I clear up and embark on my short journey to the nearby temple.
I begin my morning stroll to the temple and observe everything around me although this time on my walk I keep my distance from the Nile. I can already see that the water has risen. There are few fishermen here today because of the coming floods, so no more fish for a while. I can already hear the chanting coming from a my local temple. It is named after Ptah because this is an artisan temple intended for people who worship Ptah. Ptah is the Artisan god I worship. He is known over other gods for craft. All of us artisans live in a village together away from other classes in the social pyramid. You could say we were excluded from the rest but I’ve also heard of other classes living off in there own territory. Many Artisans have already assembled as I enter so it look like later in the day it will be full up.
I sit down in my selected area and make sure I am comfortable. As I begin praying scribes started fumbling around intruding my space. I was very angry but I had to let it go. Many rituals were coming up later that night and they had to be prepared. They were blowing out candles, writing things down on papyrus and talking with each other. A priest came out from one doorways and slammed his foot down. The scribes scattered and disappeared from the center of the temple out of sight. I begin praying and go through a list of hymns and phrases. They are to the god himself Ptah. They benefit me and give me good luck in my work throughout a long period of time. I finish praying then go up to a shrine and make a donation. I put a gem then realize there are already a selection of jewels placed on it. I put down an emerald then leave satisfied.
As I leave the temple I am immediately hit by the rays of the sun. My next stop is the doctors house. This requires allot more walking. I am going here because my good friend mathyethy (the doctor) has passed away so we are going to have his funeral. He has already been mummified but because he was not of a very rich breed he has not been mummified very well. His organs have been removed but the mumifiers did not do a great job of preserving his body. I arrive at around 10 just as his body was about to get buried. I see his canopic jars being put in the pit. They are nicely made with patterns of the gods on them. They contain Mathyethy’s organs including his liver, kidneys and brain. Everyone he knew was gathered around. I saw neshi there as well. I took a spot on the border of the pit, then Mathyethy was lowered in to the pit and buried. Everyone had a moment of silence as there friend passed away then they went back to there daily lives with sorrow. He had died from food poisoning and unfortunately his medicines weren’t enough to cure him. There was something bad going round in the food. It was some sort of virus. He wasn’t the first to die of this.
Finally my work shift had begun. I walked to the Pharaohs palace once again but this time the sun was cooking me alive. It was boiling. At least an hour later I entered the palace dripping with sweat. I wiped my brow with my robe then realized the robe was one of the reasons I was so hot. I took it off then stood against the wall waiting for Tia's arrival. A matter of minutes later Tia came and led me to my room. We arrived then she handed me a scroll. I unwrapped it and only one thing was on the page.
Amulet of Ra
To do this I thought to myself I would need to engrave hieroglyphics to do with the sun god Ra on to an amulet. It would be hard but I could do it. I made a golden base of an amulet which I decorated with gems, Ruby's and a variety of other special stones. Next I engraved some patterns into it then began to write in the hieroglyphics. I proved to be very difficult. I had to take my time and gradually engrave the symbols. Finally I had Ra’s name down along with a small picture of Ra on the amulet. The daily was barely over so maybe I would make it to the upcoming festivals coming up tonight. I was very happy and proud that I would be able to enjoy myself tonight. It is rare that I make it to these occasional celebrations so I am very happy. I rush out the door to the Pharaohs room. I carefully placed the amulet on a table then I darted out. I was so excited. I got home about an hour later drowning in sweat. I wanted to have a great time which meant I had to be well prepared.
I made sure I was perfect for tonight then finally I set off. I had a great time. It was very sacred and many hymns were presented. There were also a lot of fun and games. I enjoyed this night very much and it will stay in my memory for a long time.
I wake up like I would any other day but today is special. Today is my prayer day. I get up and put on some nice soft silk pants, a light leather shirt and finally a big robe. It has patterns of gods on it including my very own artisan god Ptah I walk outside of my dry, breezy bedroom into my dining room. I take a selection of fruits including my favorite of all Sycamore figs. They are seasonal fruits that grow almost throughout the year. I ate them with pleasure then moved on to the rest of my meal. Nice juicy fruits lie on the table in front of me. I bit into them with ease tasting the delicious flavours within them. A few minutes later I clear up and embark on my short journey to the nearby temple.
I begin my morning stroll to the temple and observe everything around me although this time on my walk I keep my distance from the Nile. I can already see that the water has risen. There are few fishermen here today because of the coming floods, so no more fish for a while. I can already hear the chanting coming from a my local temple. It is named after Ptah because this is an artisan temple intended for people who worship Ptah. Ptah is the Artisan god I worship. He is known over other gods for craft. All of us artisans live in a village together away from other classes in the social pyramid. You could say we were excluded from the rest but I’ve also heard of other classes living off in there own territory. Many Artisans have already assembled as I enter so it look like later in the day it will be full up.
I sit down in my selected area and make sure I am comfortable. As I begin praying scribes started fumbling around intruding my space. I was very angry but I had to let it go. Many rituals were coming up later that night and they had to be prepared. They were blowing out candles, writing things down on papyrus and talking with each other. A priest came out from one doorways and slammed his foot down. The scribes scattered and disappeared from the center of the temple out of sight. I begin praying and go through a list of hymns and phrases. They are to the god himself Ptah. They benefit me and give me good luck in my work throughout a long period of time. I finish praying then go up to a shrine and make a donation. I put a gem then realize there are already a selection of jewels placed on it. I put down an emerald then leave satisfied.
As I leave the temple I am immediately hit by the rays of the sun. My next stop is the doctors house. This requires allot more walking. I am going here because my good friend mathyethy (the doctor) has passed away so we are going to have his funeral. He has already been mummified but because he was not of a very rich breed he has not been mummified very well. His organs have been removed but the mumifiers did not do a great job of preserving his body. I arrive at around 10 just as his body was about to get buried. I see his canopic jars being put in the pit. They are nicely made with patterns of the gods on them. They contain Mathyethy’s organs including his liver, kidneys and brain. Everyone he knew was gathered around. I saw neshi there as well. I took a spot on the border of the pit, then Mathyethy was lowered in to the pit and buried. Everyone had a moment of silence as there friend passed away then they went back to there daily lives with sorrow. He had died from food poisoning and unfortunately his medicines weren’t enough to cure him. There was something bad going round in the food. It was some sort of virus. He wasn’t the first to die of this.
Finally my work shift had begun. I walked to the Pharaohs palace once again but this time the sun was cooking me alive. It was boiling. At least an hour later I entered the palace dripping with sweat. I wiped my brow with my robe then realized the robe was one of the reasons I was so hot. I took it off then stood against the wall waiting for Tia's arrival. A matter of minutes later Tia came and led me to my room. We arrived then she handed me a scroll. I unwrapped it and only one thing was on the page.
Amulet of Ra
To do this I thought to myself I would need to engrave hieroglyphics to do with the sun god Ra on to an amulet. It would be hard but I could do it. I made a golden base of an amulet which I decorated with gems, Ruby's and a variety of other special stones. Next I engraved some patterns into it then began to write in the hieroglyphics. I proved to be very difficult. I had to take my time and gradually engrave the symbols. Finally I had Ra’s name down along with a small picture of Ra on the amulet. The daily was barely over so maybe I would make it to the upcoming festivals coming up tonight. I was very happy and proud that I would be able to enjoy myself tonight. It is rare that I make it to these occasional celebrations so I am very happy. I rush out the door to the Pharaohs room. I carefully placed the amulet on a table then I darted out. I was so excited. I got home about an hour later drowning in sweat. I wanted to have a great time which meant I had to be well prepared.
I made sure I was perfect for tonight then finally I set off. I had a great time. It was very sacred and many hymns were presented. There were also a lot of fun and games. I enjoyed this night very much and it will stay in my memory for a long time.
3rd day of Akhet,
I open my eyes, I hear shouting nearby. It must be the flooding I say to myself. I take my silk bed shirt off and throw my covers to the floor. I arise like I would any other day and grab a hood and a rough leather shirt. I get changed quickly and leave on my silk pants. Then cover my body in my hood and walk out. I step into moist, soggy air and already see the floods. I walk a bit closer to see chaos. Fisherman shoving each other around. Soldiers holding everyone back. There are even fist fights taking place. A young fisherman has got dragged into a fight with another fisherman and I run to break it up. A fisherman is pushed into me and I get knocked to the floor. The young fisherman takes a blow and falls to the ground. I get back up to see a soldier slamming The small fisher mans opponent to the ground. I run to the soldier and ask whats going on. “The flooding season has struck with terrible outcome. The fisherman have lost business and our now stealing from each other. It’s nothing much, we’ll take care of it.” I see Neshi knock a man into the water. He has finished with him though. He jumps in onto the fisherman who gets dunked into the muddy floor.
I walk back to my comforting home and get dressed properly. I get prepared to leave to the Pharaohs palace by washing myself, getting dressed properly, eating a light breakfast then finally grabbing my amulet. I made it especially for me to give me good luck in times of need. It has a large string attached so it is worn like a necklace. I put it round my neck and the weight of it is immediately made obvious. Like any other day my journey is to the Pharaohs palace. The thought of jewelery makes me sick today. If only I could take a day off work. My progress down the Nile is very slow. The sun has risen and is beating down on me. The former night has tired me out. I progress as slow as a snail down the Nile. The thought hits me again, a day of work? I distinguish it and accept that work is the only option. I continue my journey and finally the palace comes to my view. I run the final stretch to the palace then collapse on the floor. Blackness fills my vision and I go into a deep sleep.......
I awake in a murky, cold room. Someone walks in carrying a small bucket followed by 6 men in uniform. Cold water splashes my face. I regain full consciousness and realize I am in my work room. Tia is standing in front of me and behind her are 6 guards. One of them looked familiar. I remembered him from this morning when the fishermen were having a brawl. “What’s going on.” I asked. They told me that I had passed out and they thought that sickness had spread through me. “The guards came in case you went crazy.” Tia told me. I told them that it was only a small thing. That I had been so tired and all about that. Eventually they walked out and Tia gave me my work scroll. “That was strange.” I thought to my self.
The scroll read
2 pairs of hooped gold earrings
2 silver crowns decorated with jewelery
I smiled then thought about how easy this would be. I have crowns lying all over the place. And Earrings are easy to make. I wondered why the Pharaoh wanted 2 of each, then I remembered her newly born Nieces. Lately the Pharaoh has been giving me pretty easy orders. I think I’ve given her too much. Her room already teems with jewelery. I find 2 golden crowns and begin work on them. With a small sharp metal tool I carve in spots for me to put in the jewels. Minutes later the job is done. I grab some jewels and place them in the spots then dust them off and put them down. I find some golden earrings that have been lying around for a while then set off for the Pharaohs room. Once again I finish early leaving the rest of the day for me. Tia greets me and takes the crowns and earrings from me then I dart outside to the Nile.
Happiness lights up inside me. I’ve never finished work so fast. Although it may not have been one of my finest days of craft the thought of hours of fun reminds me to enjoy myself. I ran down to the river where all my friends were then got into my bathing suit. Pretty much all I wore was my under garments. Luckily we were swimming in a part of the Nile where the floods had not yet taken place. All my good friends were there including Khay and Nebnefer. Neshi was also there. He had brought a raft which good be used for a few games. Another fisherman was there who had also brought a raft. This only meant one thing. “Raft fight!” I called out.]
Raft fights were very simple but they sure were painful. They consisted of 2 rafts and a couple of long wooden polls. Nebnefer dashed off and within minutes he returned with them. We all got split into teams of 4 because there were only 8 people in our group. My team was made up of Nebnefer, Khay and Neshi. On the other team there was Debi and Iteti and two other people whose names I forgot. We started the game aggressively. Iteti lashed out and almost send khay off the raft. Neshi was very experienced in this sport since he was a fisherman. Unfortunately the other team also had fisherman. You could say it’s a fisher mans game. I took a blow in the ribs by Debi but I kept my balance. Me and Nebnefer worked together to knock of Debi by forcing him off the side. Khay knocked of one of the other teams players so at the time we had the upper edge. Out of nowhere a rival player swung his stick through everyone on our raft including me. I managed to keep my balance but others weren’t so lucky. Khay and Nebnefer were knocked of. I grappled with Iteti while Neshi was facing the other fisherman. I hit Iteti in the leg sending him to the floor of the raft. From there I used man power to force him off. He went off. I heard a splash then realized that had just been pushed off. Now it was just me and the enemy fisherman. I swung at my legs so I jumped and slammed him straight in the chest. He tripped back and fell into the water. I started cheering then suddenly my raft got flipped and I was send flying. I realized that my team had just capsized my boat. Everyone was laughing so I played along.
For the rest of the day we hung out by the river playing around with a variety of games. Eventually it started getting dark so we bidded each other farewell and returned home. I had a great time. It will be a landmark in my memory.
This will be my last entry, I think that I have given you enough about my life. I have made my Diary for one purpose. To share my life with the finder of this Diary. I have concluded that this will probably provide information for the finders of this Diary about life in Ancient Egypt.
Thank you,
By Ani
I open my eyes, I hear shouting nearby. It must be the flooding I say to myself. I take my silk bed shirt off and throw my covers to the floor. I arise like I would any other day and grab a hood and a rough leather shirt. I get changed quickly and leave on my silk pants. Then cover my body in my hood and walk out. I step into moist, soggy air and already see the floods. I walk a bit closer to see chaos. Fisherman shoving each other around. Soldiers holding everyone back. There are even fist fights taking place. A young fisherman has got dragged into a fight with another fisherman and I run to break it up. A fisherman is pushed into me and I get knocked to the floor. The young fisherman takes a blow and falls to the ground. I get back up to see a soldier slamming The small fisher mans opponent to the ground. I run to the soldier and ask whats going on. “The flooding season has struck with terrible outcome. The fisherman have lost business and our now stealing from each other. It’s nothing much, we’ll take care of it.” I see Neshi knock a man into the water. He has finished with him though. He jumps in onto the fisherman who gets dunked into the muddy floor.
I walk back to my comforting home and get dressed properly. I get prepared to leave to the Pharaohs palace by washing myself, getting dressed properly, eating a light breakfast then finally grabbing my amulet. I made it especially for me to give me good luck in times of need. It has a large string attached so it is worn like a necklace. I put it round my neck and the weight of it is immediately made obvious. Like any other day my journey is to the Pharaohs palace. The thought of jewelery makes me sick today. If only I could take a day off work. My progress down the Nile is very slow. The sun has risen and is beating down on me. The former night has tired me out. I progress as slow as a snail down the Nile. The thought hits me again, a day of work? I distinguish it and accept that work is the only option. I continue my journey and finally the palace comes to my view. I run the final stretch to the palace then collapse on the floor. Blackness fills my vision and I go into a deep sleep.......
I awake in a murky, cold room. Someone walks in carrying a small bucket followed by 6 men in uniform. Cold water splashes my face. I regain full consciousness and realize I am in my work room. Tia is standing in front of me and behind her are 6 guards. One of them looked familiar. I remembered him from this morning when the fishermen were having a brawl. “What’s going on.” I asked. They told me that I had passed out and they thought that sickness had spread through me. “The guards came in case you went crazy.” Tia told me. I told them that it was only a small thing. That I had been so tired and all about that. Eventually they walked out and Tia gave me my work scroll. “That was strange.” I thought to my self.
The scroll read
2 pairs of hooped gold earrings
2 silver crowns decorated with jewelery
I smiled then thought about how easy this would be. I have crowns lying all over the place. And Earrings are easy to make. I wondered why the Pharaoh wanted 2 of each, then I remembered her newly born Nieces. Lately the Pharaoh has been giving me pretty easy orders. I think I’ve given her too much. Her room already teems with jewelery. I find 2 golden crowns and begin work on them. With a small sharp metal tool I carve in spots for me to put in the jewels. Minutes later the job is done. I grab some jewels and place them in the spots then dust them off and put them down. I find some golden earrings that have been lying around for a while then set off for the Pharaohs room. Once again I finish early leaving the rest of the day for me. Tia greets me and takes the crowns and earrings from me then I dart outside to the Nile.
Happiness lights up inside me. I’ve never finished work so fast. Although it may not have been one of my finest days of craft the thought of hours of fun reminds me to enjoy myself. I ran down to the river where all my friends were then got into my bathing suit. Pretty much all I wore was my under garments. Luckily we were swimming in a part of the Nile where the floods had not yet taken place. All my good friends were there including Khay and Nebnefer. Neshi was also there. He had brought a raft which good be used for a few games. Another fisherman was there who had also brought a raft. This only meant one thing. “Raft fight!” I called out.]
Raft fights were very simple but they sure were painful. They consisted of 2 rafts and a couple of long wooden polls. Nebnefer dashed off and within minutes he returned with them. We all got split into teams of 4 because there were only 8 people in our group. My team was made up of Nebnefer, Khay and Neshi. On the other team there was Debi and Iteti and two other people whose names I forgot. We started the game aggressively. Iteti lashed out and almost send khay off the raft. Neshi was very experienced in this sport since he was a fisherman. Unfortunately the other team also had fisherman. You could say it’s a fisher mans game. I took a blow in the ribs by Debi but I kept my balance. Me and Nebnefer worked together to knock of Debi by forcing him off the side. Khay knocked of one of the other teams players so at the time we had the upper edge. Out of nowhere a rival player swung his stick through everyone on our raft including me. I managed to keep my balance but others weren’t so lucky. Khay and Nebnefer were knocked of. I grappled with Iteti while Neshi was facing the other fisherman. I hit Iteti in the leg sending him to the floor of the raft. From there I used man power to force him off. He went off. I heard a splash then realized that had just been pushed off. Now it was just me and the enemy fisherman. I swung at my legs so I jumped and slammed him straight in the chest. He tripped back and fell into the water. I started cheering then suddenly my raft got flipped and I was send flying. I realized that my team had just capsized my boat. Everyone was laughing so I played along.
For the rest of the day we hung out by the river playing around with a variety of games. Eventually it started getting dark so we bidded each other farewell and returned home. I had a great time. It will be a landmark in my memory.
This will be my last entry, I think that I have given you enough about my life. I have made my Diary for one purpose. To share my life with the finder of this Diary. I have concluded that this will probably provide information for the finders of this Diary about life in Ancient Egypt.
Thank you,
By Ani
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Literature circle blogpost 2#
2. Why does Jonas find the instruction about lying so disturbing?
Now firstly I would like to express and share my ideas on lying. I think that it's not a very principled thing to do but in some cases it can be necessary. Lying is pretty much always bad, you can start with one lie and build up into many more so in most situations it' s best to tell the truth. Sometimes lying can make others feel good though. For example, person 1#, "is my dress nice?" person 2# "yea." This lying isn't as important as real lying so I wont go any deeper into it. Overall I think lying is not the correct thing to do. If told to lie that is no exception although for Jonas it is different. He is used to following instructions therefore he has to do what he is told. He may be unsure and disturbed about his orders but if he is told to do something he does it. You don't refuse the law without being punished.
I think that when told to lie, Jonas is very disturbed because in his community he is very used to following the rules and telling the truth. He has always been a good student with courage, knowledge and integrity. This is known because in the book is was stated that he had all of these factors when he was selected for the new receiver of memory. This has an affect on Jonas when he is ordered to lie because he is you could say "a goody two shoes." In this sense I mean he is very innocent and well behaved. Because he is so used to telling the truth it must be like breaking one of the rules. For example it would be like Lily riding a bike before she was of the required age. She would be breaking the rules and she would have felt very guilty.
Jonas must have been in a very uncomfortable situation when he was asked to lie. Its either obey or don't obey. In both situations Jonas would have felt uncomfortable. If he obeyed and lied he would have felt guilty because it's not what he's used to. If he didn't lie he would have probably been punished for disobeying. If I were him I would probably obey and try to avoid guilt.
Overall I think that Jonas would feel disturbed about lying because he is not used to it . My other reason is the following, Being a star student as said when he was selected for the receiver of memory he would have not wanted to disobey the rules.
Now firstly I would like to express and share my ideas on lying. I think that it's not a very principled thing to do but in some cases it can be necessary. Lying is pretty much always bad, you can start with one lie and build up into many more so in most situations it' s best to tell the truth. Sometimes lying can make others feel good though. For example, person 1#, "is my dress nice?" person 2# "yea." This lying isn't as important as real lying so I wont go any deeper into it. Overall I think lying is not the correct thing to do. If told to lie that is no exception although for Jonas it is different. He is used to following instructions therefore he has to do what he is told. He may be unsure and disturbed about his orders but if he is told to do something he does it. You don't refuse the law without being punished.
I think that when told to lie, Jonas is very disturbed because in his community he is very used to following the rules and telling the truth. He has always been a good student with courage, knowledge and integrity. This is known because in the book is was stated that he had all of these factors when he was selected for the new receiver of memory. This has an affect on Jonas when he is ordered to lie because he is you could say "a goody two shoes." In this sense I mean he is very innocent and well behaved. Because he is so used to telling the truth it must be like breaking one of the rules. For example it would be like Lily riding a bike before she was of the required age. She would be breaking the rules and she would have felt very guilty.
Jonas must have been in a very uncomfortable situation when he was asked to lie. Its either obey or don't obey. In both situations Jonas would have felt uncomfortable. If he obeyed and lied he would have felt guilty because it's not what he's used to. If he didn't lie he would have probably been punished for disobeying. If I were him I would probably obey and try to avoid guilt.
Overall I think that Jonas would feel disturbed about lying because he is not used to it . My other reason is the following, Being a star student as said when he was selected for the receiver of memory he would have not wanted to disobey the rules.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Lit Circle blogpost.
1. Would you want your future to be decided by others ? Why or Why not?
If I had to make a decision I would have to say no although I find there are a few advantages in taking the other option. Firstly I will explain why I think that I would like to control my own future.
I think that Controlling your own future would be better because you could get more fun out of life and do things you've always wanted to do. You would also be able to work for something that you enjoyed doing. In a society where you have no power over your future you could end up doing a job you hate. I remember reading that there was a boy in the story that was certain he was going to get the job of a mechanic but unfortunately for him he didn't. He was very sad so he left there society and no one ever saw him again. If your whole future was controlled then you would have absolutely no power over anything. Not even your emotions. But if you were used to these rules then it would be normal. That means when you are occasionally given treats like parties or ceremonies like in the book they would come as spectacles. Not being able to control your future would mean no holidays or personal fun time. Being able to control your future you could do just about anything. You would have a lot more authority and you would be able to change the world. It would also be a lot more enjoyable in times of glory. For the other side all there is to it is you listen to orders and follow.
Now onto the advantages about having a controlled future. With a controlled future you would not have the pressure you might have with a free future. You would also not have to make decisions because you wouldn't even have the chance to in the first place. Making decisions are one of the bad things about being able to control your future. It would be rather simple if you were good at following rules, it would be similar to the life of an animal. For example pretend you were a bird. You would do pretty much the same things every year. It's like a cycle. Eat, sleep, migrate and breed. Of course this only applies for birds. The general idea is that your life would just be a ongoing cycle. Apart from a few things like new jobs life would stay untouched. Having a controlled life would also probably make sure you are well fed and good in health. You would not know a variety of bad things even existed. War and plague would be unknown to you. It would be similar to the life of a celebrity. In this sense I mean everything would be given to you. You would not have to make much of an effort in life. These are the advantages that come with having a controlled future.
Overall I would rather be able control my future for the many reasons displayed. Although the both have lots of advantages overall being free makes the cut. This is my blog post on how I would choose to have my future.
If I had to make a decision I would have to say no although I find there are a few advantages in taking the other option. Firstly I will explain why I think that I would like to control my own future.
I think that Controlling your own future would be better because you could get more fun out of life and do things you've always wanted to do. You would also be able to work for something that you enjoyed doing. In a society where you have no power over your future you could end up doing a job you hate. I remember reading that there was a boy in the story that was certain he was going to get the job of a mechanic but unfortunately for him he didn't. He was very sad so he left there society and no one ever saw him again. If your whole future was controlled then you would have absolutely no power over anything. Not even your emotions. But if you were used to these rules then it would be normal. That means when you are occasionally given treats like parties or ceremonies like in the book they would come as spectacles. Not being able to control your future would mean no holidays or personal fun time. Being able to control your future you could do just about anything. You would have a lot more authority and you would be able to change the world. It would also be a lot more enjoyable in times of glory. For the other side all there is to it is you listen to orders and follow.
Now onto the advantages about having a controlled future. With a controlled future you would not have the pressure you might have with a free future. You would also not have to make decisions because you wouldn't even have the chance to in the first place. Making decisions are one of the bad things about being able to control your future. It would be rather simple if you were good at following rules, it would be similar to the life of an animal. For example pretend you were a bird. You would do pretty much the same things every year. It's like a cycle. Eat, sleep, migrate and breed. Of course this only applies for birds. The general idea is that your life would just be a ongoing cycle. Apart from a few things like new jobs life would stay untouched. Having a controlled life would also probably make sure you are well fed and good in health. You would not know a variety of bad things even existed. War and plague would be unknown to you. It would be similar to the life of a celebrity. In this sense I mean everything would be given to you. You would not have to make much of an effort in life. These are the advantages that come with having a controlled future.
Overall I would rather be able control my future for the many reasons displayed. Although the both have lots of advantages overall being free makes the cut. This is my blog post on how I would choose to have my future.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Egyptian i movie reflection
1. Why do you think Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created monuments?
I believe ancient Egyptian Pharaohs constructed monuments for a variety of different reasons. Firstly they would have built a couple of monuments (statues) to praise the gods or represent them. They made statues of a few different animals to represent some of the animal gods such as Anubis (face of a jackal) and Ra (face of a bird). They also constructed monuments to maybe praise themselves. Some Pharaohs constructed giant statues of themselves for pride and power. Khufu a great Pharaoh constructed the pyramids of Giza which took about 30 years in the process. They were made from millions of sand blocks that weighed up to 2 tons! He constructed them to make a landmark in history as well as providing a good resting place for his death. He believed that being preserved well would do him well in the next life.
2. What monuments in our society are similar? (be sure to provide explanations and graphics).
Monuments nowadays are alike monuments years ago in the Egyptian days are alike in many ways. Most of the monuments nowadays represent the same things as monuments years ago. The main point of great structures is to leave a great land mark in history or to make a fine work of art that you can look back on. All the famous architects who had built great structures are respected and remembered as time moves on.

The pyramids of Giza were alike to ... The Eiffel tower
Because they are both come through as famous monuments in time. The architects may have been trying to express other things through the construction of these great monuments but they come through as great landmarks in history.
3. How did the using Google docs as the main portal for collaboration help you with this assignment?
Having Google docs as the main page for our work was very helpful because it was easy to access and was a great to store information like note taking and our script. it was also very easy to display when we were filming our I movie. We could open it on a new tab and read it while recording.
4. What did you learn from this assignment?
From doing this assignment I have learned a lot. Firstly when taking notes you have to stay on task and stay on topic. Staying on task applies for everything in humanities but I am just including it here because I thought it was very important on this specific topic. Staying on topic is very important when it comes to writing notes. You could be getting facts for Egyptian farming and end up talking about going green. When writing the script you have to write it like you would write a script for anything else. It has to be formal and it has to make sense. And finally for the I movie you had to stay serious and try to pronounce all your words correctly.
5. What was challenging?
For me the most challenging part of making our I movie was one certain part of the filming. It was around the end when I was asked "how do monuments constructed by your pharaoh . I had a long response to that question and had a variety of confusing statements inside it. Such as when I was talking about the pictures inside Tutankhamen's tomb.
6. Which schoolwide learning results were evident in this assignment?
I believe I collaborated constructively and communicated effectively. I collaborated constructively when I was writing the script and taking notes because I made good use of time. I communicated effectively when I wanted to get my thoughts, knowledge and ideas across to my partner.
I believe I collaborated constructively and communicated effectively. I collaborated constructively when I was writing the script and taking notes because I made good use of time. I communicated effectively when I wanted to get my thoughts, knowledge and ideas across to my partner.
Monday, January 31, 2011
City Connections Reflection
1) What you believe you did well on the project?
I believed that I had a good amount of information in my powerpoint. I followed the rubric precisely and had a good amount information for each topic clearly following the criteria. I also thought that I had a great range of photos of my home town although some of them weren't very clear to what they were showing. I am very proud of my efforts on this power point and because of them I have retrieved a good grade. I thought that was a good all rounder for this powerpoint.
2) What you would improve for future presentations/projects?
I thought I could have improved the layout of my power point. I thought that some of my information was not relevant to the topic such as when I was talking about environmental factors. I went a bit of topic around the end when I started talking about the climate. I also could supported some of my facts with more evidence such as when I was talking about my historical factors. Another improvement I could have made providing enough information for my historical factors and being able to explain the facts I had clearly.
3) What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?
I learnt that in order to make your presentation as good as it could be you need to follow the rubric and stay on task (Stay focused). Listening to other peoples presentations I have learnt allot about other cities around the world. Landsberg, Germany held Hitler in prison before world war 2 and every year in Germany they hold a festival where everyone drinks loads of beer.
4) What is your analysis of your performance?
I thought that I did well at presenting my information and clearly explaining some things in my powerpoint. I have lived in Colombo (My city) for over 7 years therefore I know lots about it and can add personal experiences in my presentation such as the tsunami. I thought I could have I have improved by speech by not reading off the board. In all I thought I did a good job.
I believed that I had a good amount of information in my powerpoint. I followed the rubric precisely and had a good amount information for each topic clearly following the criteria. I also thought that I had a great range of photos of my home town although some of them weren't very clear to what they were showing. I am very proud of my efforts on this power point and because of them I have retrieved a good grade. I thought that was a good all rounder for this powerpoint.
2) What you would improve for future presentations/projects?
I thought I could have improved the layout of my power point. I thought that some of my information was not relevant to the topic such as when I was talking about environmental factors. I went a bit of topic around the end when I started talking about the climate. I also could supported some of my facts with more evidence such as when I was talking about my historical factors. Another improvement I could have made providing enough information for my historical factors and being able to explain the facts I had clearly.
3) What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?
I learnt that in order to make your presentation as good as it could be you need to follow the rubric and stay on task (Stay focused). Listening to other peoples presentations I have learnt allot about other cities around the world. Landsberg, Germany held Hitler in prison before world war 2 and every year in Germany they hold a festival where everyone drinks loads of beer.
4) What is your analysis of your performance?
I thought that I did well at presenting my information and clearly explaining some things in my powerpoint. I have lived in Colombo (My city) for over 7 years therefore I know lots about it and can add personal experiences in my presentation such as the tsunami. I thought I could have I have improved by speech by not reading off the board. In all I thought I did a good job.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
New year blogpost
2010 was a year of achievement, hardship and much more but towards the end we have to welcome a new year, 2011! A year filled with even more. Everyone has resolution (goal) to start a new year. Stop smoking or give up drinking or something. Here are two of my resolutions to start of 2011.
I would like be a better friend. I have not been that nice to people in 2010 and this year I would like to keep my figure as well as be a better friend. I need to be able to accept people for who they are and try to be a caring and respecting friend. I can achieve this as long as I treat them like I would any of my other friends. I have to stand up for them in certain situations. If they're were being bullied or mistreated would be a great opportunity. Another way to be a good friend is by respecting them or helping them when there in need. I will work towards this goal and if accomplished it will make me a happier person and a better friend. Improving my figure would be good for me and others.

Another resolution for me would be to improve my grades. My grades for school aren't the best. Therefore I would like to improve for me. This would also help improve my figure. I guess I would also do this because it might lead some chill time from my parents. I can do this by trying to enjoy somethings I am not particularly fond of. I can do this by looking for things I find interesting in classes. This will at least make me try harder and studying would also help me out. Good grades mean allot to me and the come with many positive aspects and advantages such as self pleasure and improving your figure.

These are my two of my 2011 resolutions.
The Christmas holidays have come to an end but it doesn't mean we can reflect on them. My holiday snap shot was and amazing experience I had in Ulpotha. Ulpotha is a jungle resort in Sri Lanka where I used to. Sometimes it can be quiet, sometimes it can be loud but something will always be going on in Ulpotha.I was walking around when I came across a small black thing on the floor. It first came across to me as a milipede because it seemed to be moving but when I looked closer I found out it was a snake. I was puzzled. It was so tiny, so small. But it was definetly a snake. I managed to get it on a stick then I walked over to a villager. "Is this posonous?" I asked. The man shook his head and walked off. The snake didn't come across as scary so I slowly picked it up and put it on my wrist. I was worried at that moment it may have bitten me but it didn't. It came across as a very friendly snake and for the rest of the day I observed it held it and played with it. This was my first contact with a snake and it will be a moment to remember in my life.
I would like be a better friend. I have not been that nice to people in 2010 and this year I would like to keep my figure as well as be a better friend. I need to be able to accept people for who they are and try to be a caring and respecting friend. I can achieve this as long as I treat them like I would any of my other friends. I have to stand up for them in certain situations. If they're were being bullied or mistreated would be a great opportunity. Another way to be a good friend is by respecting them or helping them when there in need. I will work towards this goal and if accomplished it will make me a happier person and a better friend. Improving my figure would be good for me and others.

Another resolution for me would be to improve my grades. My grades for school aren't the best. Therefore I would like to improve for me. This would also help improve my figure. I guess I would also do this because it might lead some chill time from my parents. I can do this by trying to enjoy somethings I am not particularly fond of. I can do this by looking for things I find interesting in classes. This will at least make me try harder and studying would also help me out. Good grades mean allot to me and the come with many positive aspects and advantages such as self pleasure and improving your figure.

These are my two of my 2011 resolutions.
The Christmas holidays have come to an end but it doesn't mean we can reflect on them. My holiday snap shot was and amazing experience I had in Ulpotha. Ulpotha is a jungle resort in Sri Lanka where I used to. Sometimes it can be quiet, sometimes it can be loud but something will always be going on in Ulpotha.I was walking around when I came across a small black thing on the floor. It first came across to me as a milipede because it seemed to be moving but when I looked closer I found out it was a snake. I was puzzled. It was so tiny, so small. But it was definetly a snake. I managed to get it on a stick then I walked over to a villager. "Is this posonous?" I asked. The man shook his head and walked off. The snake didn't come across as scary so I slowly picked it up and put it on my wrist. I was worried at that moment it may have bitten me but it didn't. It came across as a very friendly snake and for the rest of the day I observed it held it and played with it. This was my first contact with a snake and it will be a moment to remember in my life.
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