During 6th grade I have done many pieces of work that i'm proud of as well as received lots of knowledge through my learning experience in 6th grade. The following paragraph will cover both the piece of work I am proudest of and the learning I'm most proud of. To start of I need to state that I have many examples of work that I'm proud of for different reasons, not only because I got a good grade for a few pieces of work I'm proud of but because personally I enjoy reading some of my work, it makes me very proud sometimes to imagine that I was able to construct such work. The work I'm most proud of in 6th grade is as a big topic my blog posts. I say this because through the year on each of my blog posts I have seen growth in my work and through growth I have seen improvement. It's pretty much like looking through someones work from the start of the year to the end. I'm most proud of some of my latest blog posts. They include "Jonese's letter" and a few of my literature circle blog posts. Over most of the other work I do blog posts are some of my favorites. I enjoy them so much because when doing blog posts you are basically allowed to free write. The process of a blog post is get a subject, topic or question then write everything you want about it. It's very straight forward and to a degree fun writing. Moving on the learning I'm most proud of is definitely when our class was focusing on Ancient Egypt. Firstly I find the Ancient Egyptians fascinating and very fun to learn about and secondly all the sources I learnt from were all very appealing to me. I was able to put my knowledge on Ancient Egypt to some good use because about midway through the unit we had to do a big assignment on Ancient Egypt. To be specific we had to make a diary from the point of view of an Egyptian. Because of all the learning I had gone through I was well prepared and the end result reflected on my the effort I put into it.
2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.
During 6th grade I have had many challenges. They all came in different forms but in the end they were faults in the road. To start it off I thought one of my greatest challenges was working collaboratively. I say this because the majority of the time my partner or group members were not people that I could rely on. But Sometimes the case was that I couldn't be relied on. Although I enjoy collaborative group work it never ends out very well from this. When I am in a good group with good hard workers I try my best to contribute just as much as everyone else but when I am working with a bad partner or group I feel lots of the work is piled onto me, from this I have learned to always work with a good group you can depend on and work with. Another challenge I found during my year in 6th grade has been Lit circles. Lit circles to me were just very time consuming and irritating assignments. No matter how hard I tried I was never able to get full marks on 1, and for some reason I could never think of a really good question. Lit circles were probably my biggest challenges in the year but they are now over. One of the social challenges I had in 6th grade was trying to make friends. Although I already had several awesome friends from my former year at ISKL in grade 5 finding friends in 6th grade was a whole other story. People in 6th grade were a lot more aggressive therefore harder to make friends with. After a while I was able to fit in and make a lot of new friends. Especially in my new class (6a). I am very happy to now have expanded my number of friends and my friendships.
3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
Reflecting on my growth this year I have learned a lot about my self as a learner. One of the things I have done at school that told me the most about myself was the learning profile test we took, for information on it check out my site, It's viral. Through learning profiles I was able to learn what styles of learning suited me and a few of the things that suited my learning. It also told me whether I was gestalt or logic. Although my Learning profile told me a bit about myself my my growth during through the year told me what I needed to know. I work well collaboratively if I'm with a good group, I have a short attention span, I'm very efficient when I am putting effort into my work, I get distracted easily, I'm very social, I cannot work if there is anything else going on around me and I am very good when it comes to creative and opinionative writing.
a) Behavior
Could be improved
Perfect - the model student
Explanation: In class when I have no friends around me I am on task and don't have bad behavior. Also whenever the teacher is closely monitoring my actions I'm on task and don't cause any trouble. When I am with my friends I can rarely stay on task. My behavior gets bad and I act unnecessarily. Like I said I'm very social therefore I get easily distracted, when I get distracted I cannot focus and zone off and behave unlike a student should.
b) Participation
Actively participate in class
Explanation: I believe that I actively participate in class reason being that the majority of the time I'm focused and on task when group discussions are taking place. I enjoy talking about topics and subjects in class especially when it's on daily events. I feel that I always take part in conversations the class are having and contribute my ideas and thought commonly. I am also always participating in collaborative group work contributing the write amount and sometimes more then required.
c) Organization
Needs serious help
I'm super organized
Explanation: I feel that I am organized to a degree but I could improve. Generally I don't have all the supplies that I need to or have my mail neatly set up but I am organized enough to have not go under a lot of pressure and stress. Basically I am not badly organized but I need to improve.
d) Effort
Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.
Explanation: I feel that when I am focused and on task I put a lot of effort in to my work but sometimes when I am near my friends I don't try as hard as I could, and sometimes after doing a hw for a long period of time I loose focus I don't try as hard as I should.
Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to stay on task more often and not be as social during class. It will benefit me for two reasons, firstly I'll be able to get more done and secondly I'll be able to produce better work.
Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to make better decisions when working collaboratively, working with friends is not what's important, working with someone you work well with and trust to a degree is more important.
6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
I feel that the earlier content of the blog says enough about me.
7. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?
Where do I start? Well a very academic thing that you should know and take in is that you should also get your work done earlier then later. Take it from me, when you have lots of work to do on a Sunday night you will regret not listening to me. Another very important thing you should know is that working with friends unless you work well together is not the right decision to make, with with someone who you can rely on but make sure you contribute just as much when it comes to collaborative work. Lastly a have some social advice to give to you, never apear aggressive to others because it will not end well and always benice and friendly, you'll get it right back. That's pretty much the important stuff you need to know about 6th grade but always follow instructions, it will get you far young padawans!
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