Saturday, September 3, 2011

Greek Myths

On your blog, reflect on the Greek myths seen today in class.  Which story did you enjoy the most?  Why? Was it the characters or the story that you enjoyed?  In thinking of the themes in these stories, what do they have in common?

Personally I enjoyed the second story because of the suspense leading up to the moment when Theseus came face to face with the Minotaur. The characteristics were very effective, portraying many hidden thoughts and emotions. For example when Theseus came to Athens, the king's "evil" wife felt spite, doubt and other dreadful emotions and thoughts towards Perseus because she knew who he was and why he was there. What I'm trying to say is that her, having evil characteristics gave her evil, thoughts, emotions etc.... I also quite liked the characters in the story, especially the Minotaur. It was a monstrosity having the head of a bull and body of a man, I personally took pleasure from it's form and it's story. The other story was also very interesting but not as intense. A lot of mournful events took place in the story causing Daedalus to make the choices and do things that he wouldn't necessarily do, such as make figurines of a flying boy. In my opinion he felt so much guilt and remorse for the death of his son that he built sculptures to try and sooth his pain.

The similarities that myth's share are suspense, emotion, heroes, journeys, pain (emotional or physical), a plot, conflict and resolution.  

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