Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Standing up to oppression takes great individual courage.

Standing up to oppression takes great individual courage.

I chose the above statement because I believe that it does take true courage to stand up to an oppressing force. Throughout the medieval unit I have found that many individuals have found the courage within them to rise up and resist against an oppressing force for some sort of cause. in 1066 William invaded England even though the power that he seeked was oppressing him. It is not the best example but he did build up some courage to fight against the power oppressing him (being king Harold). In 1381 the Peasants protested against the king because of the new laws or rules introduced by him. The rule stating that peasants may not ask for higher wages upset them and when the poll tax came into being it really set of the peasants and then one man by the name of Thomas Baker stood up to the tax collectors. This act required a lot of courage and through doing it he had taken a big step against the king. This courageous act set off a spark and soon enough a large portion of the English peasants were marching to Smithfield to meet with the king and demand that the poll tax should be abolished. Causing treason was an enormous crime at that time and would not be rewarded kindly by the king. It took a lot of courage. Now in the modern day many people protest of things that they don't like. Over time protests still happen. If people feel an unease they may protest and it takes courage to protest. It takes courage to stand up to an oppressing force.

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