1.The benefits of working with a classmate.
There are many benefits that come with working with a partner. You can always count on them to give you feedback and improve on your literature circle. Any capitalization mistakes or spelling mistakes get corrected by your partner. One big positive aspect of working with a partner is that you don't have as much work to do which gives you more time to work on your part of the literature circle as well as less work to stress on. Working with a partner in literature circles means sharing a document. In that case you can both be working on it at the same time so you can send them feedback which improves your grade and your partners. Having a partner takes away allot of stress. It leaves you with less work and any concerns you have with the literature circle you can share with them. Having A partner is very helpful in many situations and takes off allot of stress. Having a classmate work with you easier for me and many advantages come with just having a partner.
2. Challenges / obstacles which you overcame (tried to overcome)
Many obstacles some how find there way into literature circles. Me and my partner came across many problems throughout out literature circle. Capitalization and spelling came up very often due to the fact we had not used spell check. A much bigger problem we encountered was creating good discussion question. Personally Finding a good discussion question is the hardest thing for me to do in a literature circle. Another challenge I faced was finding a good connection that really related to Jacob's adventure in the bush and give it the best description I could. Literature circles have many obstacles/challenges along the way which can be overcome with help or possibly the right brain.
3. New understandings that you gained about the novel.
I understood this book much clearer after having a literature circle discussion. Many things that were not clear to me were explained clearly by my group members. In one of my literature circle passages I explained how I didn't understand one section in the book. It involved Jacob floating down the river experiencing something I wasn't quite sure of. My group members clearly explained the whole situation to me. I re read some parts of the book because either it didn't make sense to me or I read it improperly. I have understood more and more about this story every day and as I read on more is revealed.
Having a group has many advantages and having a partner working with you is
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