Everyone in the world is entitled to human rights. Regardless or race, age and gender everyone deserves rights. Human trafficking is an issue in the world today that deprives some of their most basic human rights. This issue ruins peoples lives and forces them to live a life in fear and pain. "Slaves" is the term used to define people who are trafficked. I chose to vote for this issue because I feel as though it is a horrible problem in the world and definitely needs attention from those that can make a difference. Human trafficking also known as the slave trade occurs everywhere in the world whether it be a fully developed country or a third world country.
This issue is important to me and my community because I believe that all should live a good life with equal rights. It's extremely unfair that some must live without many of the greater things in life. People affected by human trafficking get less food and sleep then they need to and are abused commonly. All the things "the trafficked" are entitled are restricted from them because selfish traffickers want to use them for the good of themselves. Human trafficking has the tendency to affect everyone and unluckily about 1 in 200 people are involved in it. Most cases of human trafficking involve people from less developed countries who don't have an education or any money. The traffickers take advantage of this and take control of their lives. Children are often trafficked because they don't have much power and they are easier to traffick, they can also be exploited in many more ways. Women are also trafficked commonly because of the same reasons. The truth of the matter is that anyone can be trafficked, you could be kidnapped and sold as a slave or maybe you could be tricked into it and fall into the trap of human trafficking.
During my research I have bumped into a number of facts that have shocked me beyond belief. The statistics for human trafficking are shocking. Almsot 30 million people in the world today are trafficked. Also the most common reason for trafficking is prostitution. I found this saddening since those that have been trafficked have no choice in what they do. A slave is sold for 90$, that is not only degrading for the slave but the fact that they get no salary completely shocks me. Slaves are abused physically and on a mental level. It is really bad that they have to be treated in such a manor and go through with being traded around and having to do free labor. They have no rights whatsoever and they have given up on their lives. Some slaves even attempt suicide because of the feeling they have about their lives.
Overall I would say that this issue has deeply saddened me and the statistics have shocked me. It is a horrible issue and definitely needs to be ended by those with the authority to do so. The treatment of the trafficked is just horrible and to think of the way they live is just disgraceful. All humans are entitled to equal rights and the slaves don't have theirs. I hope in the future we can make an effort to work towards solving this problem and giving rights to those that deserve them.